Wait... Where are we now?

It has sure been a while since my last post in the beautiful country of Italy! The last time I left you all we were enjoying our time at the winery in Puglia. The wine, food, and people were simply unforgettable.

That was such an incredible experience that Logan and I will be forever grateful for. There have been so many times where we see something, hear something, or do something that reminds us of what we learned during those few months. Italy will always have a huge place in our heart and relationship, hopefully, we will be back!!

If you have been wondering what we have been up to, with a few other social media posts here and there, I am here to clear the air and bridge any of the gaps!! Everything happened so quickly and I can not believe we graduated 8 months ago.

I will preface this post by saying that I am excited to start blogging again, making this page more about daily life, recipes, and whatever else I decide to put in. If you have any creative ideas to share, please comment and let me know. Each post will be different, maybe some videos here and there, but I promise, you will not want to miss it!!

After Italy, Logan and I had one final semester at The Culinary Institute of America, then graduated in July 2018. Our final semester was one to remember, with a lot of influential classes and memories with friends. I was selected by my class to speak at graduation and it was something I will remember forever! I hope my words made an impact on our special day.  The CIA went by so fast, but we were excited to see what the buzz was about in the "real" world!

 We had a big decision to make: what was next and how would we get there. We narrowed it down to a few places and finally decided on Washington, D.C. The food scene is still very up and coming here, which is really the biggest pull we had in choosing here over a few other options.

 It took a few months, way longer than we wanted, but we settled in on two jobs: Logan is working at Circa Chinatown for the Metropolitan Hospitality Group, while I am working at Corcoran Caterers. We are living in Silver Spring, Maryland, just outside of D.C. Our move happened in October and we have been working nonstop since then.

With two opposite schedules, it is sometimes difficult to see one another, but it really has brought us closer together. Logan absolutely has loved his job since the beginning, working in the front of house. For me, it was an adjustment with a lot of obstacles, but I am finally liking my position. It comes with a lot of early mornings and long hours, but I really feel like I get to leave my mark every day. I am the pastry chef in a high volume catering company with a very large menu. From day to day, the production list is always changing and I am always trying to make things better, prettier, or more effective. There are some days I may want to scream (like I am sure many kitchen people will agree with), but other days I am always smiling.

As the blog comes back, we will share more about our dates in the city and the things we are making at home! With Logan being in the front of house, he often has an itch to cook at home! Hey, that is something I will never say no to!!

Maryland/DC area is such a different place than all of the other places Logan and I have been. It has the Boston vibe for sure, but it feels more laid back and safe. There are always events going on and we are in walking distance of almost everything we need.

I am very excited to begin blogging again, as I have really missed the platform of sharing our adventures and food with all of you. Some posts may be more about my desserts and recipes, while others will be about Logan and I.

With Love, 


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